A Single Melody, Towards The Chorus of Oblivion

Monday, February 21, 2011

Entry #6 - Fate Is Inexorable, How I Hate It

I made a decision a while ago, for my future and my dream I would throw away my heart. Yet fate keeps on tempting me and when I give in to that temptation even slightly I get crushed. I feel as though fate is mocking me and it is hard. I refuse to give in to this, I will NOT be distracted from this anymore, for the sake of my dream I must harden my resolve, I will not be tempted again.

"This is madness every time I reach a new plateau, someone appears to challenge my authority. It's as if fate is mocking me with a big stupid grin. Just like Kakarot" - Vegeta


  1. I love your reference. I was about to link you to Naruto vs. Neji, haha. Good work, son. Good work.

  2. LOLZ, the comment confirmation text was "secups" !! I just finished exercising! The verifier made fun of me! XD
