A Single Melody, Towards The Chorus of Oblivion

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Entry #2 - Thoughts

After writing a few pieces of poetry at the top of my head, I realized just how far I've strayed from my path. Very far, I definitely lost the spark I once had. The few pieces I've written in the last few days are not like the ones I wrote years ago. It lacks emotions, it lacks flow, it lacks reality. Yes, we are our own worst critics, but in my case I think I am right.

Looking back at the pieces I wrote years ago, I've lost my touch for writing passionate and descriptive poetry. I went from descriptive poetry to slightly obsecure poetry, which was still fine. Now I'm stuck in between, trying to convey a message in what I write and yet be mysterious. My ability for such a feat has now dulled, like a rusted samurai sword after years of collecting dust, maybe worse.

I used to be able to sit in front of my computer screen, listen to some classical music and the words would come to me instantly. Now, it takes infinitely longer to manifest and the words that appear are not great either.

In my head(and especially in my  heart) I can definitely feel a block, it's all there but it won't come out. Perhaps all that has happened in the last few years have blocked me from my emotions. I've become numb to the hate (so to speak).

I definitely lost something precious during my fruitless pursuit of love, I wonder if I'll ever get it back.

I certainly hope so.

P.S - For those who have started out in poetry, don't ever stray from your path. You might think you'll be finding light, but in the end, you'll see nothing but shadows.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Don't worry, man. Remember, there are many kinds of poems. Most of the poems I've seen from you were always romantic, wistful, downright emo or, again, excessively romantic. How about the poem in my own last entry, for example? I'm not saying it's a good poem or any kind of model, but it's unlike most of your poems. Well, even if it is a little romantic in a sense of the word, I have many other poems that simultaneously show neither emotion nor darkness. Just look around some more, poems don't have to be about your most passionate of thoughts, they can even speak of things that have nothing to do with you.

    One more thing: How about studying poetry? All the mechanics used by 'The Greats'; you know, all that technical stuff like iambics, meter, stanzas, the whole nine yards. You can study poetry just like any other school subject, rather than just writing and possibly reading them.

  3. i think what i try to do too much is make each piece as 'powerful' as they can be. I like my poems to be captivating, touching, powerful. I think there lies in one of the problems

  4. There are many ways of charging your words though. Sometimes a poem that sounds really dull is only dull on first read. After deep analysis of everything below the surface, the true meanings come forth in an effectively affective way. If you read my entry from earlier today, -mini post #4-, you may get a clearer idea of what I'm saying. It may be time for you to move on to some more difficult, complexly deep poetry, without leaving behind the simplistic style the two of us, but especially you, had worked on in high school and of late.
